

Ctrl-TASK team will provide customization services, we explored approaches companies are taking to segmenting customers and customizing products, Apps., services, and processes to market needs, in order to evaluate how more customized approaches, create value for customers and for Telcos. Our goals were to find what linkages existed between specific behaviors and improved business performance; determine the limits to which high-performing companies go in customizing their products and services, sales and marketing, operations, and customer service; and identify specific success factors and pitfalls of customization programs.

In CT-NPRI GIS solution modules Customization will be dependent on the available features, operations, process will be taken into consideration and understand the requirements of Telcos to identify the customization solution. May be sometimes new technologies deployment, new active elements procurement, simplifying or improvement of running process, new features and attributes need to be added into the existing system would be required.

New design logic configuration needs to add with customization activity along with changes in configuration of features, logics, line items…. etc. sometimes customization required in legacy systems to improve productivity and service levels.