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Tech Support


Ctrl-TASK team capable to provide Tech-support services to resolve the customers issues which are possible to solve through online. A specialized team will be available to extend support as a “TECH-SUPPORT” for any concern raised by customer. Without field team involvement the resolution will be given to each and every ticket raised by customer. We can take up sourcing as mentioned below:

  1. Welcome Centre
    • Ticket Registration, Basic Troubleshooting support
    • Escalation to L1
  2. Level – 1 Support
    • Detailed Issue tracking, Checking Integration issues
    • Hardware/Software interoperability, Known issues resolution, Escalation to L2
  3. Level – 2 Support
    • Escalation from L1, Issue simulation, Issue troubleshooting
    • Performance Optimization, Knowledge updating, Escalation to L3 for Bug fixing.

Dedicated Specialized Ctrl-TASKs team will be on job as per Telecom operator required Tech-support team services.